Department of Immunohaematology : Directory of Services
Directory of Services
Serological tests
- Bloodgrouping
- ABO-, Rhesus, Kell-System
- Duffy, KIDD, Lewis, Lutheran, MNS and others
- Antibody screening
- Antibody identification
- Direct Coombs test
- Indirect Coombs test
- Cross matching
- Antigene testing
- Specific tests
- Antibody elution and absorption tests
- Lectines
- Donath-Landsteiner-Haemolysines
- Antibody titration, Haemolysine titer
- Cold agglutinins tests
- Cryoglobulin tests
Genetical tests
- Genetic characterization of blood groups (EDTA-blood)
- ABO-, Rhesus, Kell-, Duffy-, Kidd and MNS-System