Links : Nucleotide Analysis Tools
Nucleotide Analysis Tools
Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project
[Goals of the project: finish the sequence of the euchromatic genome of Dros. mel. to high quality & generate and maintain biological annotations of the sequence]
BiBiServ: Bielefeld University Bioinformatics Server
[Offers tools for Genome Comparison, Alignments, Primer Design, RNA Studio, Evolutionary Relationships and others]
BioInformatics and Molecular Analysis Section (BIMAS)
[Provide guidance, support and resources to scientists throughout the NIH in the genomic and genetic analysis fields of BioInformatics]
[This tool produces the alignment of two given sequences using BLAST engine for local alignment. A tool for comparing protein and nucleotide sequences]
cDNA Sequence Analysis
[A method for analyzing mouse cDNA using the web]
ClustalW Submission Form
[Produces biologically meaningful multiple sequence alignments of divergent sequences. It calculates the best match for the selected sequences,...]
CpG island searcher
[Screens for CpG islands which meet the criteria selected below in submitted DNA sequences.]
Dephosphorylation of Vector Plasmid
[Instructions fpr Dephosphorylation and Ligation of Insert DNA with Plasmid DNA]
DHPLC Melt Programm
[A method generally successful at separating DNA duplexes that differ in the identity of one or more base pairs]
DNA Cloning
[General Procedure, PCR Cloning, Subcloning, ET Cloning, Vector Preparation, Ligation Reaction, Colony Screening]
[Helps to design intronic primers for the PCR amplification of exons. The script needs a cDNA and the corresponding genomic sequence as input]
EXPASY (Molecular Biology Server)
[The Expert Protein Analysis System proteomics server is dedicated to the analysis of protein sequences and structures as well as 2-D PAGE.]
GeneCard for gene KLKB1 GC04P187733
[Chromosome: 4 LocusLink cytogenetic band: 4q34-q35 Ensembl cytogenetic band: 4q35.2]
Gene Cards
[Database of human genes, their products & involvement in diseases and concise information about the functions of human genes that have an approved symbol]
Genomatix Free Services
[Software tools & databases for analysing genomic sequences, e.g. identification of individual protein binding sites, deduction of patterns of binding sites,...]
Genomes Fasta Submission Form
[This tool provides sequence similarity and homology searching against complete genomes databases using the Fasta programs.]
Gene Regulations
[Databases, Programms and others]
Helmholtz Network for Bioinformatics
[Programs and databases for nucleic acid and protein analysis providing prediction and analysis of regulatory regions in eukaryotic genomic sequences]
HUBI Genoomid 1
[General documents about the organisms, Comparative genome databases, Directories about genomes and organisms, Human genome]
HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee
[For each known human gene we approve a gene name and symbol, stored in Genew, the Human Gene Nomenclature Database]
Human Genom Sequencing Center
[Here you can upload your own bait sequences and fish for overlaps in a pool of whole-genome shotgun reads]
KEGH: Abtlg Haemostaseologie Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes
[A computer representation of the cell and organism to enable computational prediction of higher-level complexity of cellular processes ...]
Human Genom Variation Society
[Nomenclature for the description of sequence variations]
LALIGN - find multiple matching subsegments in two sequences
[This program is part of the FASTA package of sequence analysis program]
Manipulate a DNA Sequence
[A group of programs for analysis and manipulation of nucleic acid and protein sequence data.]
[Trace Archive searches with discontiguous Mega BLAST This page is optimized for cross-species comparisons]
MolBiol.Net - Molecular Biology & Bioinformatics
[PCR and PCR Primer design and oligo analyzer, real time PCR, propocols and applications]
Multiple sequence alignment
[Aligns several biological sequences and creates a multiple sequence alignment from a group of related sequences using progressive pairwise alignments]
NCBI Blast2 - Database Query
[Basic Local Alignment Search Tool to find similary sequence regions, which yield functional & evolutionary clues about structure and function of your sequence]
NCBI Locus Link
[Interface to curated sequence and descriptive information about genetic loci presenting information on official nomenclature, aliases, sequence accessions,...]
[Tool to take a DNA sequence and find the large, non-overlapping open reading frames using E.coli genetic code and sites for all Type II restriction enzymes]
Primer 3
[Pick primers from a DNA sequence]
Promega Vectors
[Complete Vector List, e.g. Bacterial Expression, Cloning, Lambda, Mutagenesis, Mammalian Expression...]
Protocols for recombinant DNA isolation, cloning and sequencing
[Manual for methods in molecular biology laboratory, e.g. techniques for large scale DNA sequencing protocols, DNA sequencing automation techniques]
Restriction Mapper
[Maps sites for restriction enzymes (restriction endonucleases) in DNA sequences]
Reverse Complement
[Converts a DNA sequence into its reverse, complement, or reverse-complement counterpart.]
Routine Sequence Analyses
[On-line tools and databases for routine sequence analyses]
[A method to identify potential splice sites in (plant) pre-mRNA by sequence inspection using Bayesian statistical models]
Splice Site Score Calculation
[The score expresses how similar the splice sites fits the consensus sequence]
S5 Sequence analysis - DNA/RNA
[Identify restriction enzyme cutting sites, aid in various cloning experiments; identify transcription factor sites to further the understanding of gene regulation...]
WebCutter 2
[Automatic sequence search-and-entry from NCBI's GenBank, easy customizable interface and clean simple results format]