Links : Proteomics Tools
Proteomics Tools
AMAS - Analyse Multiply Aligned Sequences
[A program to analyse multiple alignments of protein sequences; allowing identification of functional residues by comparison of sub-groups of sequences]
[An experimental unified interface to query several protein identification tools accessible on the web]
Compute pI/Mw tool
[Allows the computation of the theoretical isoelectric point and molecular weight for a list of Swiss-Prot and/or TrEMBL entries or for a user entered sequence]
ExPASy Proteomics tools
[Various tolls for protein identification and characterization]
Fasta - Proteine Database Query
[Provides sequence similarity and homology searching against nucleotide and protein databases using the Fasta programs]
FindMod tool
[A tool that can predict potential protein post-translational modifications (PTM) and find potential single amino acid substitutions in peptides]
FingerPRINTScan Submission Form
[Search against FingerPRINTScan with a protein query sequence to identify the closest matching PRINTS sequence motif fingerprints in a protein sequence]
Helmholtz Network for Bioinformatics
[A variety of programs & databases for nucleic acid & protein analysis providing prediction and analysis of regulatory regions in eukaryotic genomic sequences]
InterProScan Sequence Search
[This form allows you to query your sequence against InterPro]
Pedant-Proteine extraction, description and analysis tool
[A software system for completely automatic and exhaustive analysis of protein sequence sets from individual sequences to complete genomes]
[Allows the identification of proteins using pI, Mw & peptide mass fingerprinting data compared with peptides calculated in Swiss-Prot/TrEMBL databases]
PIR Database Information
[An integrated public resource of functional annotation of protein data to support genomic/proteomic research and scientific discovery]
PoPS: Prediction of Protease Specificity
[A program that allows users to model and profile protease specificity and predict substrate cleavage]
PPSearch Submission Form
[Query sequence search for protein motifs, rapidly compare against all patterns of PROSITE pattern database & determine function of uncharacterised protein]
ProtParam tool
[A tool allowing the computation of various physical & chemical parameters for a given protein stored in Swiss-Prot or TrEMBL or for a user entered sequence]
[Allows you to compute and represent the profile produced by any amino acid scale on a selected protein]
Radar Submission Form
[Rapid Automatic Detection and Alignment of Repeats in protein sequences. Identifies short composition biased as well as gapped approximate repeats...]
SAPS - Statistical Analysis of Protein Sequences
[Methods and algorithms for statistical analysis of protein sequences]
ScanPS Submission Form
[A program for comparing a protein sequence to a database of protein sequences implementing the full Smith-Waterman style searching]
SignalP V1.1 World Wide Web Prediction Server
[Predicts the presence & location of signal peptide cleavage sites in amino acid sequences from different organisms: prokaryotes and eukaryotes]
The PredictProtein server
[A service for sequence analysis, and structure prediction]
TMHMM Server v. 2.0
[Prediction of transmembrane helices in proteins]
TMpred - Prediction of Transmembrane Regions and Orientation
[Prediction of membrane-spanning regions & their orientation based on the statistical analysis of TMbase, a database of naturally occuring transmembrane proteins]